Open Campus

Particulars of Call for USNOC2025

Institute of Science Tokyo (Science Tokyo) operates the Nuclear Innovator Cultivation Program (NICP), and as one of the NICP activities, the Nuclear Innovation Study Abroad Program (SANI) sends doctoral students to study in nuclear energy-related departments at U.S. universities and supports their research activities for future innovation in the field of nuclear energy.

In AY2024, NICP will implement the ‘US Nuclear Open Campus 2025 (USNOC2025)’ as one of SANI's activities. At the USNOC2025, participating students will visit the laboratories of two US universities, receive explanations of research activities, tour the research facilities, and engage in question-and-answer sessions with the researchers, to raise their motivation for research study abroad.

Application Requirements

This program is open to full-time students enrolled in a master's course at a Japanese university who will enroll in a PhD program or are considering enrolling in a PhD program.

Applicants must have Japanese citizenship or permanent residency in Japan

Host Universities, Departments


Mon., March 17          Departure from Japan and arrival in the US.
Tue., March 18          Visit to University of Wisconsin–Madison
Wed., March 19          Moving Day
Thu., March 20          Visit to University of Michigan
Fri., March 21            Departure from the US.
Sat., March 22           Arrival in Japan

*NICP faculty will accompany the participants in the US.

Number of Students to be Selected

6 or less

Support Contents

The support money will be paid following the travel expenses regulations of Institute of Science Tokyo, which include;

  • Round trip fare from/to the airport and a round-trip airline E-ticket
  • The travel and accommodation expenses in the US.(2 students per room)
  • ESTA application fee and travel insurance fee

Application Method

  1. Please follow the application guidelines and apply online by the deadline.
  2. Please ask your academic supervisor at the home university to write your Recommendation and send it to the NICP Secretariat (nicp[at] by email.
  3. The NICP faculty will screen the application documents, and then invite applicants for an interview (Zoom) in English.
  4. The screening result will be notified to the applicant and his/her academic supervisor at the home university. Please note that we won’t be able to answer the inquiries on selection criteria.
  5. Selected participants will be required to attend a pre-departure orientation and a meeting with the past SANI students. They will also be required to complete a questionnaire before and after their participation and submit a report after they participate in the program.

Deadline for Application

Friday, Noon, January 24, 2025

Application Schedule


Date & Time


Application Deadline

Friday, Noon, January 24, 2025

Application Form

Notification of application document screening result

Monday, January 27, 2025

Please note that we won’t be able to answer the inquiries on selection criteria.

Interview (Zoom)

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Notification of Selection Result

Friday, January 31, 2025


Pre-departure orientation

Monday, February 3, 2025


Meeting with the past SANI students

TBD(in February or March)



Monday, February 3 – Friday, March 14, 2025

NICP Office will arrange the airline E-tickets


Monday, March 17 – Saturday, March 22, 2025


Deadline for report after the participation

Wednesday, March 26, 2025




Application Form


Science Tokyo NICP Office

