Open Campus

Nuclear Open Campus for High School Students held

On July 23, 2024, the Nuclear Innovator Cultivation Program(NICP)held the ‘Nuclear Open Campus for High School Students’, an event for cultivating human resources in the nuclear field supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT)at the Kuramae Hall of the Tokyo Institute of Technology. The event was held under the theme of ‘Imagination, Science and Engineering’, and consisted of lectures, poster sessions, and a laboratory course.  Around 180 high school and technical college students from all over Japan attended the event.

Lectures and Poster Session

After the opening address by Professor Toru Ohara, Chair of NICP, and the greeting by Mr. Koji Aribayashi, Director of the Nuclear Energy Division, MEXT, the first lecturer, Mr. Rikao Yanagida, author of the Science Fiction Reader series gave a lecture entitled ‘The Energy of Heroes’. Using a whiteboard, Mr. Yanagida explained the mysteries and wonders of anime and manga heroes in a way that was easy to understand from a scientific perspective, arousing the participants' interest in science.

Professor Obara giving the opening address

Mr, Aribayashi, Director of the Nuclear Energy Division, MEXT

Mr. Yanagida during his lecture 1

Mr. Yanagida during his lecture 2

The following poster session lasted an hour and a half, attended by 14 universities’ departments or majors in the nuclear field, seven companies and one research institute involved in nuclear power-related projects and business, and the Advanced Nuclear Education Consortium for the Future Society(ANEC). Participating students visited the exhibition booths and deepened their understanding of cutting-edge nuclear research and development at universities and businesses through free discussions.

<Organizations that participating in the poster session (in no particular order)>

Hokkaido University, Tohoku University, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagaoka University of Technology, University of Fukui, Fukui University of Technology, Nagoya University, Kyoto University, Osaka University, Kyushu University, Tokyo City University, Waseda University, Kinki University, Japan Atomic Energy Agency(JAEA), Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, IHI Corporation, Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, JGC Corporation, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd., Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Advanced Nuclear Education Consortium for the Future Society(ANEC)

Poster session(University booths)

Poster session(Tokyo Tech)

Poster session(Kyushu University) 3

Poster session(Company booths)

Poster session (JAEA)

Poster session (IHI Corporation)

After the poster session, there was a lecture by Dr. Shutaro Takeda, Co-founder and Chief Strategist of Kyoto Fusioneering and Associate Professor at Kyushu University, entitled ‘Can we save the world through fusion [the sun on earth] x startup entrepreneurship!?”  Dr. Takeda has been appointed as the only Japanese national living to be a Knight of Magistral Grace of The Sovereign Military Order of Malta for his achievements in working on numerous humanitarian aid campaigns. Dr. Takeda is working on the development of a nuclear fusion reactor to achieve world peace through the resolution of energy issues. His lecture was a great inspiration to the participating students.

The event came to a close with a closing address by Professor Akio Yamamoto, Program Director of ANEC.

Dr. Takeda during his lecture 1

Dr. Takeda during his lecture 2

Prof. Yamamoto, Program Director of ANEC

Students attending the event

Laboratory course

On July 23 and 24, 2024, a basic physics laboratory course using radiation was held for the Open Campus participants using the Pelletron accelerator at the Zero Carbon Energy Research Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology.

The laboratory course was held over three sessions under the guidance of Associate Professor Tatsuya Katabuchi, with 11 to 13 students participating in each session, for a total of 37 students. The participants had studied the basic knowledge of atoms and nuclear reactions in the text distributed in advance and then attended the course on the day. In the laboratory, they observed the nuclear reactions caused by neutrons using a particle accelerator and learned about the properties of neutrons, the interaction between neutrons and matter, and nuclear reactions.

The lectures, poster sessions, and physics laboratory course all received very positive feedback from participating students. Many of the participants said that the event was a very worthwhile experience for them.

Prof. Katabuchi explaining the particle accelerator

Prof. Katabuchi explaining the nuclear reactions

Feedback from Students

<Lectures and poster session>

  • I was interested in science and engineering, but I wasn't particularly interested in nuclear power. However, through the lectures and poster sessions, I became interested in nuclear power and various other fields!
  • I used to think that nuclear power was dangerous, but that my perception has been overturned. I also learned that if nuclear power is used safely, it is an energy source that has the potential to greatly improve our lives. Thank you for the lecturers.
  • I was able to learn more about the initiatives of companies and university research involved in nuclear power, and I became more interested in nuclear power. I also could gain a deeper understanding of nuclear fusion, so I want to study more about it myself.

<Physics Laboratory Course>

  • There were some specialized and complex points that I could not understand just by reading the text before attending the laboratory course, but I was able to understand most of it after receiving an explanation on the day, so it was a very meaningful and enjoyable time.
  • By observing the state of neutrons and gamma rays in real time on a graph, my interest in atoms increased even more.
  • It was a very valuable experience that I was able to observe machinery that we don't usually get to see up close. The content was difficult for me as a first-year high school student, but I think I was able to have a meaningful time by attending the event.

Nuclear Open Campus for High School Students - Imagination, Science and Engineering -

A nuclear Open Campus will be held for high school and technical college students on the theme of imagination, science, and the development of the latest technology. The event includes lectures, poster sessions and laboratory course.
The lectures will be given by Mr. Rikao Yanagida, who is well known for his work on the science fiction book series ‘Kuso Kagaku Dokuhon’, and Dr. Shutaro Takeda, who is working on the development of a small nuclear fusion reactor.

The poster session will include poster displays and free discussions with presenters from nuclear engineering departments and majors at universities across Japan, research institutions, and companies. There will also be a physics laboratory course using the Tokyo Institute of Technology's experimental facilities. There is no charge for participation. We look forward to seeing you there.

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The Energy of the Heroes

Mr. Rikao Yanagida
Author, lecturer at Meiji University, and chief researcher at the Dream Science Laboratory. Born in Kagoshima in 1961. Published ‘Kuso Kagaku Dokuhon’ in 1996. Established the Dream Science Laboratory in 1999, and has continued to make attempts to scientifically research the worlds of manga, anime, special effects, and games. His books include ‘Junior Kuso Kagaku Dokuhon’ and ‘Pokemon Kuso Kagaku Dokuhon’. He also distributes science newsletters to school libraries, gives lectures, and holds science experiment classes, as well as science classes for elementary school students who love science.


Can We Save the World through Fusion [the Sun on Earth] x Startup Entrepreneurship!?

Dr. Shutaro Takeda
Co-founder and Chief Strategist of Kyoto Fusioneering Ltd., and Director and Associate Professor of the Fusion Energy Division, the Urban Institute, Kyushu University. He founded Kyoto Fusioneering, and in four and a half years he has turned it into a global company with over 13 billion yen in funding and over 100 employees. He has a PhD in energy science from Kyoto University and a master's degree in sustainability from Harvard University. He previously worked for the United Nations before taking up his current position.


Hosted by

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT)
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Advanced Nuclear Education Consortium for the Future Society(ANEC)


13:00~16:30, Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Kuramae Hall, Tokyo Institute of Technology



Opening of the hall


Opening address
Prof. Toru Obara, Chair of NICP, Professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology


Mr. Koji Aribayashi, Director of the Nuclear Energy Division, MEXT


“The energy of the Heroes”
Mr. Rikao Yanagida(Dream Science Laboratory)


Poster Session

poster displays and free discussions


“Can We Save the World through Fusion [the Sun on Earth] x Startup Entrepreneurship!?”
Dr. Shutaro Takeda (Kyushu University・Kyoto Fusionieering)


Closing address
Prof. Akiko Yamamoto, Program Director of ANEC, Nagoya University

Eligibility High School Students or Technical college students



Participation Fee

Application Apply here
Deadline Sunday, July 21, 2024

Laboratory Course

A basic physics laboratory course using radiation will be held as a part of the Nuclear Open Campus. Participants will be able to experience laboratory work that would not normally be able to be done at high schools, using the research facilities at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Experiments on nuclear reactions using particle accelerators

Nuclear fission reactions caused by neutrons are the source of nuclear energy. Neutrons are also used in fields other than nuclear energy, such as cancer treatment. Therefore, understanding nuclear reactions caused by neutrons is extremely important in nuclear engineering. In this work, participants will observe nuclear reactions caused by neutrons using a radiation detector after generating neutrons using a particle accelerator, aiming to deepen understanding of the interaction between neutrons and matter and nuclear reactions.


9:00~11:30, Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Meeting Venue

Kuramae Hall, Tokyo Institute of Technology


Laboratory for Zero Carbon Energy, Tokyo Institute of Technology



High School Students or Technical college students



Participation Fee



Tokyo Tech Nuclear Innovator Cultivation Program (NICP)Office  
