Science Tokyo
Nuclear Innovator
Cultivation Program
Chair Toru Obara
The environment has been changing dramatically in the face of nuclear energy development. Venture companies that promote small modular reactors (SMR) have appeared worldwide, and the development of various reactors will advance on a global scale.
Meanwhile, energy supplies in Japan have diversified and approaches to the realization of “Society 5.0” – proposed by the Cabinet Office in the 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan as a future society that Japan should aspire to – are also desired in the nuclear power sector, such as the introduction of new energy and IT technology in the energy field.
In an attempt to transform society and cultivate human resources capable of leading nuclear power development, Human Resource Development (HRD) is necessary to tackle new challenges in addition to applying already successfully developed techniques in the nuclear field thus far. Based on these ideas, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) proposed and successfully adopted an educational program called “Nuclear Energy Advanced Human Resources Development Program (NE-AHRDP)” for the International Nuclear Human Resources Development Initiative Program sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Shortly thereafter, we formed a consortium in close cooperation with other selected institutes in order to foster competent human resources to play an active part in human resource development activities. The program name was changed to “Science Tokyo Nuclear Innovator Cultivation Program (NICP)”.
In this program, we aim at training young engineers and researchers who
- have a solid background in nuclear engineering
- thoroughly understand energy system and a wide range of different cutting-edge technology
- have the ability and desire to start up new entrepreneurial activities and have management perspective and a good eye for global awareness
- are capable of taking the mission of innovation in the future nuclear energy sector
Science Tokyo Nuclear Innovator Cultivation Program (NICP) consists of two major parts.
Nuclear Innovator Cultivation Camp (NICC)
In this program, workshop camps to cultivate entrepreneurship for innovation in nuclear fields will take place. The target of these camps is graduate students, young engineers and researchers of the institutes and companies taking part in the consortium. We aim at cultivating those who have an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit as well as global awareness. The themes of the camps are not only things related to new nuclear technology, such as next-generation reactors, decreasing waste materials, and SMR, but they also are focused on entrepreneurship and sociology.
Studying Abroad for Nuclear Innovation (SANI)
In the scheme of the Studying Abroad for Nuclear Innovation (SANI), we offer a prime opportunity for postgraduate students to study abroad in world-leading universities in the U.S. that conduct state-of-the-art nuclear research and education. Dozens of laboratories from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, North Carolina State University, Texas A&M University, University of California Berkeley, University of Michigan, and University of Wisconsin-Madison openly aspire to host students from Japanese universities under the SANI.
The research topic is expected to bring about innovation in nuclear fields at a future date and emphasizes the possibility of developing into international joint research after studying abroad.